Welcome To Me

Personal Shopping
and Styling

If you want confidence in your style, you've come to the right place. I specialise in creating effortless, up to date, wardrobes. My style packages enable you to make the best of your image.

Your Ideal Look

Want To Find Your Ideal
Style and Look?

Clients Reviews

What Clients Say

“Samo želim reći da je moj Karlo uživao u svakoj sekundi boravka u igraonici. Divno je bilo i njemu, a i meni jer sam se konačno malo odmorila. Hvala!!!”


39 years

“Doveo sam djete na Mini Chefa i nisam požalio niti sekunde. Tri sata igre za njega, a nogometa za mene. Ovo je bila win-win subota”


35 years

“Hvala svim tetama koje su tako pažljivo i dedicirano čuvale moje dvije curice. Mislila sam da će prilagodba u Čuvaonici trajati danima, no poslije samo dva dolaska bile su potpuno zaokupljene igrom i nisu više tražile mamu.”


28 years
About Emberlyn

Find Your Style With Me

All of my clients are unique and special. They are discerning and successful individuals with super busy lifestyles. My sole objective is to enhance their individuality and increase confidence!

My Video Blog

Explore My Video Tips
And Hints

Fashion Tips For Women Of All Sizes
And Ages

When it comes to fashion tips, it sometimes seems that everyone and their mother (literally!) has tried-and-true style advice they absolutely swear by. Some are useful, while others …well, not so much.